Monday, January 6, 2014

Winter River Boats

Going through my older image files, here's one that I pulled out and edited yesterday:

I used my Canon XTi (02/19/2010) for the original photo. The file was a JPEG, below:

For this image, I manufactured a lighter exposure and a darker exposure in Photoshop Elements 2, fused the files together in Photomatix, and then sent the resulting image over into Corel Aftershot Pro. I used Aftershot to tilt (to get it a little bit straighter) and crop the image. (I didn't like the higher power line that runs through the sky part of the image. I realize that I still have a power line in my edited image, but it doesn't stand out as prominently as the one that simply cut across the sky.) This caused me to lose something of the cityscape in the background; maybe it's better without the tilt/crop?

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