Monday, January 20, 2014

Farm Outbuildings in the Country


This is another post examining the same image processed in two different ways. First up is the HDR image (pseudo-HDR?) from three different exposures (-2, 0, +2), two of which were generated in Corel Aftershot Pro from a RAW file; all three exposures were saved as 16-bit TIF files and then were sent through Photomatix. The second image is the Photomatix processed version of the original RAW file. The same settings were used on both files.

Thoughts: Adding the darker exposure into the mix certainly seems to bring out something... dark in the 3 exposure processed version. Compared to the 'original' original file, the HDR versions both seem to have a little bit of 'pop' (the day itself, as you can see, was overcast, and I was shooting through a glass window besides...). In the end, what really jumps off the screen is the redness of the buildings, which are brighter in the single-processed version. I'm hard pressed to say which one I like better.

3 exposures:

1 exposure:

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