Sunday, January 12, 2014

An Intriguing Mess of a Winter Tree

There is something to this photograph of a couple of days ago that intrigues me. In itself, I wouldn't say that it's the prettiest picture. As a composition, it seems rather a mess! The tree trunk coming up the middle of the picture is the only element that has any rhyme or reason to it. From there, everything shoots off in wild directions with all sorts of twists and turns and curves. If it were a maze, one could never find his way out. If it were a knotted ball of string, one could never get it untied. As displeasing as it might be for form and structure, I still processed this photo (3 exposures) and afterward have found myself taking a few minutes of pause for reflection.

As I said, there is something about this photograph that draws me in -- to figure out just what exactly is going on. And, in consideration of what I am looking for in a photograph, an image that grabs your attention for more than the typical 2 seconds for further contemplation and consideration must certainly have something going for it.

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