Thursday, January 9, 2014

Shooting Indoors with No Tripod (Restaurant with Wine Bottle Decor)

So, sometimes you find yourself in places where it might be a little awkward to set up your tripod to get the shot that you would like. (As when, you don't want to embarrass your family too much in a fancy restaurant.) What do you do?

Well, for a number of shots, I tried putting my camera on the table, set the auto-bracketing, and tried to hold the camera down on the table as still as possible. It didn't really work the greatest, as many of the shots at the highest exposure turned out too blurry to be usable. (This was especially the case since I had my autobracketing set to 0, -3, +3. It may have turned out a little bit differently at 0, -1, +1.)

In order to get a steadier shot for this particular shot, I bumped my ISO up to ISO-800. (This made for a steadier, though perhaps more grainy, image.) My +3 exposure came out at 1/3 sec.

The +3 exposure came out sharp enough that I can make out the texture in the carpet, and I am even able to read some of the bottle labels at this exposure.

Here is the result of my 3-exposure merge in Photomatix:

So, what exactly is the moral of the story? If you're trying to shoot handheld on the autobracketing setting in a darker place, you might want to dial it back to 1 step (or possibly even 2 steps). (Bonus to you if you remember to fire a test shot, to see just how long said picture will take....) To help further speed the picture (less time = less shake/blur, etc.), you can dial up your ISO and take the grain as part of what it took to get the picture.   

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