Friday, December 27, 2013

Fish in the Sea, How Can that Be?

As I processed this photo that I took at Disney's Animal Kingdom, I had this line running through my head from some Dr. Seuss-style children's book (maybe it was Seuss himself?) -- "Fish in the sea, how can that be?" I don't remember the exact source, or whether I have even gotten the quote exactly right, but... that's what I was thinking.

There were a lot of fish in this tank! If it's difficult to get a group of people to pose just right, imagine trying to do the same with a group of fish! (Or is it technically a school of fish, even if the fish are not all of the same kind???) Ok, we'll attribute the posing to dumb luck, if there can be any attribution to catching animals in a pleasing pose for a shot.

I ran this single image (the moving fish would have ghosted; that would be a different photo altogether) through Photomatix 5 for HDR, and then I scooted the result over to AfterShot Pro for a little NoiseNinja magic and some color tweaks. Result: Fish in the sea, how can that be?

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