Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Chocolate Waffles for Dinner

My wife made chocolate waffles for dinner, using the recipe here without the glaze and with vanilla added into the waffle recipe. Her comment was that, if you wanted to be healthier, you could probably cut down on the sugar and the butter.

For me, I learned all sorts of lessons in taking these pictures. Number one, I should probably set my f-stop a little higher (I was shooting at f/1.8), especially in the ice cream topped picture, as the focus is really directed to the slightly weird (creaturely-looking) fudgy piece in the center. Two, another alternative to raising the f-stop would have been to try to catch the plate from a different angle, at which more of the waffle might have been in the depth of field (and thus, better focused). Three, real ice cream (as opposed to fake ice cream -- the typical standbys of mashed potatoes or lard) will actually melt, and -- even when it doesn't seem to be moving, it really is moving. Hence the need to apply Photomatix's "de-ghosting" tool to that weird fudgy piece in the center of the picture, which then gets weird colored spots on it.

The color of the chocolate waffles in the second picture is a little more 'true to life' than the color of the waffles in the first picture. They really were 'chocolate waffles' and had a darker color to them than what waffles usually have. And... we did enjoy eating them. :)

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