Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Summer Flowers at the Community Garden

Our town here in Minnesota has a Community Garden, where the locals can rent a plot that is roughly 10' x 10' for... gardening. In our case, we rent a plot, because the yard at our house is so infested with squirrels and other wildlife that nothing that grows survives. (We tried planting peas one year, only to find the plants eaten and uprooted. Another year, we planted tulip bulbs, which were pretty for a while... until something came along and chewed the tops off of the flowers. Our raspberry plants have managed to survive, and they do produce a handful of berries each year, yet I don't think that they are producing to their full potential, because they don't get the sunlight that they really need. At least, that's my theory.)

Back to the Community Garden: The Community Garden is also a great place to take pictures, as you find a whole variety of plants and flowers. Here are some of the floral pics from the Community Gardens, that were among the first that I took with my Sony NEX-7:



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