Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Colorful Saint Petersburg

Back in 1994, I was part of a group of thirty people who went from my Lutheran high school to Russia as part of a 10-day sister school relationship-building tour. Somehow, I had convinced my parents to let me take their Nikon N5005 with me. This was huge for me, as the cameras that I had been using up until this point in my life were the far cheaper variety, the kind where one-third of your pictures were in focus and the other two-thirds looked like some impressionistic nightmare.... I was absolutely delighted by the N5005, mainly because the autofocus feature meant that closer to 95% or better of my roll of film would come back acceptable. (The other 5% were misfires and other technical issues that rendered one-third of the negative unusable.)

The following image is from one such "unusable" negative, in which something happened to the first third or so and the rest was salvageable. (For twenty years, I didn't even know that this negative was bad! I hadn't actually looked at the negative until yesterday. The film-print shop had simply cropped the image in and printed out a decent image for me.)

This picture was taken in April 2004, from my hotel room in St. Petersburg. I couldn't tell you what these buildings are, but when I worked my computer photo-editing software magic, they sure turned out to be quite colorful.

(April, 1994)

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