Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Duck Silhouette (AuroraHDR, Graphic Novel filter)

I would guess that the vast majority of my photos (which I do not share and have stored away on a hard drive) have major problems. I might save these photos, because I don't like throwing things away. Or, I might save these photos, because I think that somewhere down the line, I might work with them and see if I can find a way to salvage them and make something that I like. Today's photo is a case in point. The original exposure was simply way too dark. Processing the image on Aurora, I came up with a slightly decent photo (first image). I edited that in Photoshop (second image). The real gem for me, though, is the third image -- the Graphic Novel filter edit. The fourth, the colorized Graphic Novel filter, is ok, but I really like how the third image turned out -- you can even make out the stripe across the duck's eye as it is standing on the tree limb.

Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

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