Saturday, November 12, 2016

Ocqueoc Falls in HDR

I'm at a little bit of a loss for what to say about these photos. My favorites are the two colored versions, giving a slight edge to the HDR (photo number one) over the colorized stamp filtered photo (number three). The black and white stamp filtered photo is extremely busy, with the various elements of the picture blending together to the point where it is hard to identify - here's the rocky bank, here's the river, there's the forested growth on the other side. The river especially disappears in the bw image, whereas, the color in the color images helps to separate out the different parts of the image. While I generally like the definition that I find in the colorized stamp filtered images, the layering takes out some of the color (usually 30-40% in my images.) So, the winner this week (in my book) is image number one - Ocqueoc Falls in HDR. Thanks for stopping by!

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