Thursday, November 10, 2016

Fall Colors -- Warm vs. Cold

It was only within the past year or so that I became aware of the idea of warmer and cooler images. As I understand it, colder images seem to lean a little toward the blue end of the spectrum, while warmer images lean a little more toward the orange end of the spectrum. Using the camera, the tint can be achieved by adjusting the white balance. In post-processing, well, I suppose that has something to do with adjusting the white balance there as well.

In the two examples of the same image below, the first is what I consider to be a 'cooler' image, the second 'warmer'. When I run through applying the preset image adjustments from Photoshop to my images, I notice that the colors tend to go from warmer to cooler when I run the 'adjust color' preset. (I actually think I prefer warmer images better.)

Thanks for stopping by!

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