Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Zoo Bald Eagle (Graphic Novel filter)

This photo is a zoo image (sorry, image may not be reused.) I recently had the opportunity to see a raptor program (which included a bald eagle,) in which they talked about these birds which they had collected (or had been given to them) being kept in their care because they were unsuitable for life in the wild. Sometimes the birds in their program have physical handicaps that would prevent them from surviving in the wild (less capable of catching prey,) while others (such as their bald eagle) had "mental" handicaps -- being too acclimated to humans who had fed it, that particular bird kept getting a little too close to other humans, and so they figured it would be safer in their program. The bald eagle pictured here was living at a zoo, and I don't know what it's particular problem was. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

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