Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Jelly Eating American Robin

This robin surprised me yesterday. Up to this point, the only animals to take an interest in our jelly feeder were the orioles. And now, we have jelly-eating robins.

If you've seen my pictures, you know that I had two glasses sitting in a plastic tray on top of a tomato cage: One glass was a small stein-shaped shot glass, the other - a small wine goblet.

Yesterday, the robin landed on the tray and started picking jelly out of the shot glass. As it took off, the force of its movement knocked the wine goblet over; the whole stand shook! (No worries; no broken glass.) As I cleaned up the spill, I rinsed the jelly out onto the ground, which... you see that the robin managed to find for today's photo.

As we watched the robins, we weren't sure whether they were actually eating the jelly, or whether they were eating the bugs that had gotten caught in the jelly. (I was really surprised at how many dead bugs got themselves stuck eating the jelly.) From this picture, it seems that the robin was actually interested in the jelly.

* * * * * 

As an aside, I used AfterShot Pro to edit this image. Apparently, there is an upgrade available for Aftershot Pro, as - every time I open the program, I am greeted (automatically) with an offer to upgrade at a special discount price. 

While I appreciated this notice the first time, and maybe even the second or third time, and - where I might appreciate it if I were simply to get this notice once or twice a month, being notified of the opportunity to purchase an upgrade every time I open the program is really a bit too much and has gotten quite old. What is particularly annoying to me is that, in order to use the program, I am forced to close this notice (the notice pops up right in the middle of the screen - every time I open the program!) - throwing an extra step into the process. While this might not seem like much to a casual user, it really does take away some of my 'delight' in my frequent use of this otherwise helpful Corel product. 

If anyone from Corel would happen to stumble upon this post, please (PLEASE!) add a little button to your automatic product upgrade offer notices, allowing the user to tick or untick - "Please show me this offer next time" or an option to "show me this offer again in two weeks". I'm not really interested in upgrading at this time, but - when I finally do reach that point, this consistent barrage of upgrade notices might make me think twice about whether another Corel product is worth the hassle. 

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