Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ghosted Bird at Sunset

One of the neat things that you can do with Photomatix is to create what is called a 'ghosted' image. Normally, this is something that you would try to avoid. (There are even features built into the software to deal with 'ghosts'.) Basically, what happens is this: When you merge more than one exposure together, the differences between the two pictures will appear in the merge at a lighter shade -- perhaps even appearing to be transparent.

For this particular photograph, I was taking sunset pictures (three exposures, set to autobracketing -- so that the camera automatically took the pictures very quickly in succession). In one of my sets, a bird flew across the scene. I didn't really notice it until I went to merge the photos in Photomatix, but I thought it looked kind of cool to see the progression of the bird's flight, so I kept it. And that's how I came up with my Ghosted Bird at Sunset.

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