Friday, September 29, 2017

Me First, Please (Two Finches on the Feeder)

This image was extremely, horribly noisy. As I began to process it in Photomatix for HDR, I remembered why I had taken it directly to Paintshop Pro in my original edit, where I converted it into a daguerreotype image from a hundred years ago (sans color, so that the noise is not quite so obvious.) I decided to give it another try and see if there wasn't something in the filters that might help to clean the image up a bit (without resorting to making the image look cloudy and ancient.) After running the image through an assortment of filters (noise reduce, dry brush, graphic novel,) I'm not sure whether or not I ended up where I had hoped, but... it was interesting to try.

Thanks for stopping by!

End result:

Noise reduced in Paintshop Pro

Noise reduce in Photoshop Elements

Dry Brush

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