Thursday, August 31, 2017

Female Finch, Fanned Tail at Feeder (Graphic Novel filter)

This was one of those images where I wish that my shutter speed had been just a little bit quicker or that my focus had been just a little bit sharper. Blending the Graphic Novel into the original may have helped a little... or maybe not... Thanks for stopping by! :)

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Female Finch at the Feeder (Graphic Novel filter)

I like what the Graphic Novel filter did in the layered image (#3), giving some definition to the lines in the bird, maybe making it a little bit sharper. Thanks for stopping by and for looking at my pictures! :)

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Chomping on the Birdseed (Graphic Novel filter)

Yes, this goldfinch is chomping on the birdseed. I like how he's holding the birdseed in his beak. It's like he's holding it with an attitude, as though he were saying, "Yeah, I know I'm chomping down on my birdseed...". Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, August 28, 2017

It's a UFO! (Graphic Novel filter)

It's a UFO!

What kind of UFO?

I think maybe it's a goldfinch, but it's a little too dark to identify it. ;)

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Oriole (Repost, Revised)

It's been a while since I posted a Baltimore Oriole picture, so I dug back in the archives and ran this one through the Graphic Novel filter. They're such pretty birds with a pretty sound. Thanks for stopping by! :)

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Redux Goldfinch (HDR, Graphic Novel)

The last in the series served as the basis for the first two. Though it's still a noisy picture, I used Photoshop's noise reduce filter to tone it down somewhat. Then I made the BW Graphic Novel image (pic 1), and layered the last image into the first to create the second. I think I like the last best (I really like the colors,) even though it's still a bit noisy. Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Woodpecker (Pointilized)

Here is another bird image, a woodpecker, that suffered horribly (or, at least, somewhat minutely, or somewhere in between,) from noise. Taking an "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em," stance, I went ahead and made the "noise" even bigger - pointilizing it, and layering it into my black and white graphic novel version of the image. It's another redo - last time I think I stamp filtered the image (which is another way to get around the noise.) Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Nuthatch revisited (Graphic Novel filter)

I had originally processed this one as a stamp filter, so, now I thought I would try the Graphic Novel. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Finding the Goldfinches

There wasn't really much to write home about on the picture that served as the basis for today's post. I tried running it through the stamp filter. I tried pointilizing it. Then I merged the two together and... thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

More Stamp Filtered Winter Trees

When I last uploaded this image, I had cropped it; I left it uncropped for this post. I also processed it a little bit differently, this time using the stamp filter process. I find that sometimes I like the graphic novel filter, sometimes I like the stamp filter. While the graphic novel filter feels like its images have more lines to them, the stamp filter feels a little bit... blotchier. (I'm really surprised spellcheck let me get away with that word!) Thanks for stopping by and for looking at my pictures. :)

Monday, August 21, 2017

Stamp Filtered Trees in the Winter

Here's the original from last winter:

Here are the new stamp filtered versions:

I thought it was interesting how the bushes in front came out especially bright and the background dark, which was kind of nice for differentiating the foreground from the background of the image. That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Lily Redux (Stamp filter)


BW Stamp filter

Colorized Stamp filter

Last month, I posted a graphic novel version of this lily. This month, I've run it through the stamp filter. (Of these three, for me, it's a toss up between the original and the black/white stamped flower, with the original edging the edits out. Don't know until you try...) Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Phoebe on a ... (Graphic Novel filter)

I desperately wanted to call this picture "Phoebe on a Tree-be," but it was so kitschy that I couldn't bring myself to do it. Besides, the Phoebe isn't on a tree; it's on a tree branch.

What I found challenging about this particular project was the darkness of the image. This was due partly to the shaded environment and partly to generating a shutter speed that would capture the subject. When I brightened the image, however, the white streak of a road in the background became overly bright, somewhat overshadowing the bird in the foreground. So... I brightened the image just a little, and I also merged the color with my Graphic Novel filtered version at 50% opacity. (My favorite of the three is the BW Graphic Novel version.)

Thanks for stopping by and for looking at my pictures! :)

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Maybe a Phoebe? (Graphic Novel filter)

A Phoebe appeared outside the other day, and the lighting was somewhat poor. This was one of my first attempts, having bumped my ISO up to 400 (and my exposure bias down a little bit,) I managed to get an exposure time of 1/30 sec. The original is slightly fuzzy. The graphic novel gives it a little bit of definition, which maybe carries over into the colorized version of the image. I did take several shots, changing my settings as I went along, so maybe we'll see if I came up with something better. Thanks for stopping by and for looking at my pictures! :) 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Juvenile Robin on the Deck (Dry Brush filter)

Maybe this has become a weekly thing, posting pictures of the juvenile robin that landed on my deck? He was quite the poser, and I had several different pictures of him. The major downside to the image was that it had quite a bit of noise, which I tried to work around with the noise reduction filter and the dry brush filter. How did I do? ... It still looks like a juvenile robin! Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Leafless Tree (Graphic Novel filter)

Continuing my way through some old phone camera photos, I processed a leafless tree (aka, winter) with the Graphic Novel filter. I also inverted the BW Graphic Novel image, because... I can, and thought I might like the result. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)