Monday, July 31, 2017

Yellow Daisy (Graphic Novel filter)

I am somewhat unclear on the difference between a yellow daisy and a coreopsis (also called calliopsis or tickweed), and so perhaps I have mislabeled the flower in today's post? (Or perhaps it is something else, and I have completely mislabeled this flower altogether???)

I googled "yellow flowers" and a search result for ProFlowers page of 33 different varieties of yellow flowers came up. The closest I could find for today's flower was either a daisy or a coreopsis. Thanks for stopping by!

Tonemapped, Graphic Novel:

Tonemapped, Colorized Graphic Novel

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Violets (Graphic Novel filter)

As I made this photo, I thought there was something poetic (in an Oriental kind of way) about the image. I don't actually have a poem to go with the flowers, but the picture looks like its own little kind of poem: first in black and white, next in the colorized graphic novel filter, and finally in the HDR on which the other two images are based. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

Friday, July 28, 2017

Lily (Graphic Novel filter)

The first lily picture below is my favorite of the batch. It is the one (almost) straight from Photomatix, before I applied any of the Graphic Novel filters. There was something about the layering process that didn't turn out quite like I like it, and so I liked the straight up HDR the best. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Grosbeak Redux (Graphic Novel filter)

This is another redux, using the process that I've lately been trying out on my older images. Thanks for stopping by! (The top two are the new images; the third is the one that I posted earlier.)

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

House Finch in the Grass (Graphic Novel filter)

A house finch in the grass, looking up, tilted from the original photo in the crop. I used the Graphic Novel filter on the tonemapped version from Photomatix, and then I layered the RAW image into the Graphic Novel version and edited contrast, color, etc. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Dark-Eyed Junco (Graphic Novel filter)

The Dark-Eyed Junco is a bird that I like to return to from time to time (ok, quite often.) I tried layering an edited version of a RAW file image into a tonemapped, graphic novel filtered version. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Barren Trees (Graphic Novel RAW Redux)

This is another do over, where the first is my original attempt and the second is the one where I layered the RAW image file into the BW Graphic Novel filtered version. For this one, I really can't see too much of a difference, except that my latest attempt (the second picture) is possibly a little bit darker than the first. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Winter Trees in Snow - Color Redux (Graphic Novel filter)

Here is my original black and white that I posted a while back:

And here is the new file that I layered the RAW photo into for a slight color effect:

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Winter Scene: Stump in the Snow (Graphic Novel filter)

The two images below are a comparison of the same image processed slightly differently. First, I tonemapped the original RAW file in Photomatix. Then, I ran the resulting HDR image through the Photoshop Graphic Novel filter. 

At this point, I applied two different approaches as I layered the color back into the black and white photo. (I used 60% opacity for both.) The first image had the HDR layered into the BW Graphic Novel, while the second had the original RAW image (edited) layered back into the BW Graphic Novel version. The difference? 

The HDR version seems a lot lighter, and... well... more HDR, while the RAW layered into the HDR-Graphic Novel BW version has a more realistic feeling to it. I may have to play around with this more in the future.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Woods in Winter (Graphic Novel filter)

I'm posting this one at original size, because I like some of the details that I see with the Graphic Novel filter at... original size, that I don't quite catch when the picture is posted smaller. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Oriole on a Wire (Graphic Novel Filter)

I may have posted one (or a couple) like this one some time ago. I like how the Oriole looks poised on the wire, as though it were a bird of prey, ready to pounce (I know, wrong animal). But, I'm fairly certain that this Oriole was making its way to my jelly feeder, and so no animals were harmed in the making of this picture. ;) Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Unidentified Bird (Graphic Novel filter)

There was a little bit of a difference of opinion in my household over what kind of bird this was. I thought it was a Flicker, but someone else thought that it was a juvenile robin. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

Chipping Sparrow in the Grass (Graphic Novel filter)

I like the bw graphic novel version of this image infinitely better than the color version. There was something in the "color transfer" that gave the color image a fairly authentic 'comic book' look to it. I'm not sure that it's what I was going for. Maybe it will grow on me. 

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Stamp Filtered Junco

Today's image is one that I'm revisiting from the spring, one of the junco pictures that I liked. I'm trying it out today with the stamp filter, and find it interesting how the stamp filter takes a fairly focused image and makes it rather blotchy (see below). The shapes in the background are also... interesting. Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Graphic Novel Junco under a Tree

I'm not sure whether I like the bw version better or the color one better. I really like how the bw came out with a dark edge to it, kind of like what I would be looking for in a bw image. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

Friday, July 14, 2017

Cardinal Silhouette (Graphic Novel filter)

The following two images remind me of those pictures from children's magazines that ask you to spot the differences between two very similar images. The first is a bw silhouette of a cardinal in a tree; the second is the graphic novel filtered version of the first image. While the two images are very similar, the graphic novel version has a sharper, more crisp edge to it, while the first image is a little more... organic? Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Normal Goldfinch (Graphic Novel filter)

The original (picture 3 in the list) is a little too... vibrant? So, I like how the merged graphic novel image toned the original down (25%, if I remember correctly.) Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures, even though the goldfinch isn't doing anything goofy today like it was the past couple of days. ;)