Saturday, July 22, 2017

Winter Scene: Stump in the Snow (Graphic Novel filter)

The two images below are a comparison of the same image processed slightly differently. First, I tonemapped the original RAW file in Photomatix. Then, I ran the resulting HDR image through the Photoshop Graphic Novel filter. 

At this point, I applied two different approaches as I layered the color back into the black and white photo. (I used 60% opacity for both.) The first image had the HDR layered into the BW Graphic Novel, while the second had the original RAW image (edited) layered back into the BW Graphic Novel version. The difference? 

The HDR version seems a lot lighter, and... well... more HDR, while the RAW layered into the HDR-Graphic Novel BW version has a more realistic feeling to it. I may have to play around with this more in the future.

Thanks for stopping by!

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