Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Post #1000

According to Blogger, this is my one thousandth post that I've published on my photo blog here at So, woohoo! Happy one thousandth post!

If I were to take a few moments to reflect over the past thousand posts, I could probably find a lot of pictures that I would do differently, (some of them I actually did redo,) but also quite a number with which I was pleasantly surprised. I've tried out different photo editing ideas - quite a number of HDR images processed via Photomatix. I've also done a lot lately with layering and stamp filters, although my favorite fall back is Photoshop's Dry Brush filter. Looking around at what other people are doing, I'm really liking what I'm seeing with what people are doing with the Prisma app. I'd like to find a way to use that app on PC.

A thousand posts ago, I can't say that I saw myself making it all the way to post one thousand, but here we are. Thanks for stopping by to look at my pictures, and - if all goes well, we'll mark post one thousand as the half-way mark to post two thousand. :)

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