Monday, March 11, 2019

Woodland Scene with a Peasant, a Horse, and a Cart (Graphic Novel filter)

This "Woodland Scene" image by Thomas Gainsborough (from the The Metropolitan Museum of Art) had seen better days. I ran the original image through AuroraHDR, and -- seeing some damage spots become really pronounced in the image, I took it over to Corel Paintshop Pro -- which has a really nice "magic" tool that let's you lasso problem spots, which are 'magically' fixed to look like the surrounding parts of the image. It doesn't always work as I'd like, but it was really helpful in processing this image. I then took the result over to Photoshop Elements, where I used the Graphic Novel filter as per my usual process. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)


AuroraHDR HDR edit

Corel Paintshop Pro edit

Graphic Novel filter

Colorized Graphic Novel filter

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