Sunday, February 10, 2019

"Hunting Scene" (Detail) (Graphic Novel filter)

This is a detail of a piece from the Cleveland Museum of Art called "Hunting Scene". The original was an 18th-19th century "eight-fold screen, ink and color on silk". There were lots of scenes of hunters, and looking at the piece as a whole, I had trouble figuring out what it was that they were hunting. (Some of the scenes reminded me more of a 'deer camp' type of gathering where 'getting together' was more the purpose than actually hunting anything.) In these panels, there is one hunter that seems to be carrying some bird attached to his pole, so I guess maybe they are bird hunting?

Cropped Original

AuroraHDR - I really liked bringing out the vibrant colors with the AuroraHDR program. The colors in the image above are dull in comparison.

Graphic Novel filter

Colorized Graphic Novel filter

Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

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