Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Green, Leafy Plant (AuroraHDR, Graphic Novel filter)

I liked this plant. I mean, what's not to like? The leaves have nice veins. It's green. 

Well, in the first place, there's an awful lot of light coming through that window on the right hand side of the image. And: On the bottom left, what are those splotchy things? And, is that a dirty sensor smudge?

Ugh. Well, what do you do with this photo?

I brought it over to Photoshop Elements and took it through my Graphic Novel filter process, where I process the image several times with the GN filter and then layer the images together. I used the Hard Edges preset for my three images (at darkness levels 2, 2.5, and 3.) I used the little eraser to take out the unsightly dark spots and... voila!

Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

As a bonus, I made a third image, layering together my first Graphic Novel filter attempt (a darker image) with the image above.

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