Thursday, February 23, 2017

Yellow Butterfly, Red Flowers (Graphic Novel filter)

Today's photo proved an interesting challenge. As I shot the butterfly (that doesn't sound good...), there was something about my shutter speed that was just too slow; the wings kept blurring. I tried to compensate by making the image darker (stepping down my exposure bias), which gave me a quicker shutter speed but made the image noisy, at least when I brought the light levels up using HDR processing with Photomatix. When I took the resulting image through Photoshop for the Graphic Novel filter effect, I was a little surprised at how light the butterfly turned out. Also, once the color was removed from the image, I was struck by how... weedy the red flower appeared. I'm not sure that adding the color back into the Graphic Novel filtered image helped. I guess I'll chalk this one up to a learning experience. Thanks for stopping by!  

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