Sunday, February 19, 2017

Water and Trees (Graphic Novel filter)

Straight out of the box, one of the more frustrating experiences that I had with my Sony NEX cameras was a dirty sensor. When I took today's picture almost five years ago, I was on a trip and was still learning how to use the cameras. It was only later that I was really saddened to see all of these little spots on my images. (In order to try to avoid dust, I assembled the lens and the body right out of the box.) It really made me wonder how folks like Trey Ratcliff and some of these others do it, especially with all of his sunset and open sky landscape images that are prime for exposing this type of blemish.

Well, with the Graphic Novel filter, I was able to use "hard edges," which is a lighter setting, for which the sky (and my spots) were too light to pull into the image, while yet retaining enough of an image for what you see below.

Thanks for stopping by!

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