Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Branches and Leaves (Dry Brush Filter)

This is a pretty common theme around here at this time of year; the branches are mostly bare, except for a few stray leaves here and there. (I'm looking forward to spring.)

Monday, December 29, 2014

Sunset Under the Mackinac Bridge (Dry Brush Filter)

If you hadn't noticed, the Mackinac Bridge is one of my favorite photo subjects. I grew up in Michigan's lower peninsula, and so, whenever we make the trip back home, we cross the Mighty Mac (with the exception of those extremely rare occasions when we travel south and go through Chicago.) There's something about crossing the bridge that says to me, "You're almost there." Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Colorful Leaves, Colorful Branches (Dry Brush Filter)

I realize that they're probably diseased or something, but I really liked the orange color in the branches on this tree. Together with the yellows, purples, and greens of the surrounding leaves, it made for a colorful picture.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

View of the Cass River

This morning I was thinking back to my family's trip to Frankenmuth this past fall. This is the Cass River, viewed (if I remember correctly) from the Covered Bridge (as we crossed on foot).

Friday, December 26, 2014

Return of the Junco? (in black and white) (Cutout Filter)

Back in October, I took a picture of this bird as it was passing through my yard. Was it a junco, like I had seen earlier in the year? I haven't really been paying attention that closely (until recently,) but it seems that the junco is maybe a late winter kind of bird in my area? The nuthatches seem to be here year round, as well as the chickadees (although, they only come out during a warm spell. Can't blame them.) Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Running Water, Over the Falls (Dry Brush Filter)

I like the movement of the water in this photo. I like the motion that is suggested as the water goes over the rocks. For me at least, there is something calming about this picture.

This water picture has little or nothing to do with the holiday, but I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a merry Christmas. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Cloudy Tree in the Evening (Dry Brush Filter)

This is another picture pulled from the 2013 archives, taken (3 exposures) within the first month or so after I had purchased my camera, edited this morning. What mostly impresses me about this picture is the layering of the clouds behind the tree, with a hint of the sunset behind the tree, coming through with splashes of yellow in the clouds. I don't remember whether or not a storm rolled in, but it looks like the kind of day that you didn't want to stay long outside. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Bird in the Grass (Cutout Filter)

I was digging back in the archives for this photo (which comes from 2009, when I was shooting with my Canon XTi.) I think that the bird is a heron, or possibly some kind of crane. It was a blurry picture (I did fire off a few more in which I could see that the bird had a light colored neck) and as such was quite disappointing. Yet, when I applied Adobe's Cutout Filter to the file, the blurriness goes away (as does much of the detail in the photo when you look at it full size). I do like the way that the Cutout Filter renders the photo, almost in a cartoon format, with all sorts of "cutout" shapes. It's cool, if you like that sort of thing (like I do). Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Side of a Cliff (with trees) (2013)

This little landscape piece was from a trip to Mackinac Island back in 2013. I believe I was standing somewhere near Arch Rock. Mackinac Island has quite a few places where the elevation provides a steep drop if you aren't watching where you are going. (Several of these locations have fences at the top, yet... one must be careful.)

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Mackinac Bridge (2013) (Dry Brush Filter)

I'm not sure what the building is near the dock in the forefront of this picture, so I simply went with the bridge in the background, the Mackinac Bridge, when I gave this picture a name in the title. The red boat on the left is part of the icebreaker USCGC Mackinaw that is docked at Mackinaw City.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Chickadee (Dry Brush Filter)

The chickadee is such a small little bird, pictured here next to a twig that was protruding from my deck. My bird book says that it's five inches long, which is probably true when the bird is measured from the crown to the tail. However, I can't say that the bird stays long enough for me to be able to stick a ruler out to measure it... Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Tilted Nuthatch (Dry Brush Filter)

Tilting the photo of the nuthatch gives a slightly different perspective to an otherwise typical image. The lines on the deck become diagonal (yet, the nuthatch's beak is still level.) The deck is now completely covered with snow, so unless I go out and shovel, it will be a while before it melts and I'll be able to get lines like I have in this photo. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Chickadee with a Curved Neck (Dry Brush Filter)

For me, catching the chickadee in this pose was more chance than skill. (Catching the chickadee at all seems to be more luck than anything else. They only seem to appear within a very small window, and then... they're gone for days or even weeks at a time.) I like the angle on the bird's body, the curved shape that starts in the head and makes its way through the neck. It will probably be a while before I see the chickadees again (especially since it has gotten colder), so this will have to tide me over for now. (We will probably resume our usual nuthatch picture show tomorrow....) Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Frosty Pine Needles (Cutout Filter)

A few days ago, when the frost was so pretty on the trees, I took this picture of a pine tree, its needles all covered in frost. I especially like looking at the patterns that are made by the cutout filter when I look at this one close up; I think that filter works well when you have lines or some sort of geometrical design that can be seen in your image. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Return of the Woodpecker (Dry Brush Filter)

Sometime within the past week or so, I posted a picture of this woodpecker (or one that was very similar to it.) Here is another, in which the bird was a little bit more clearly seen. However, because I like the dry brush filter so well, I used it, and made the bird blurry again. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Nuthatch (Cutout Filter)

Continuing on with my personification kick from yesterday, I saw this nuthatch on my deck, looking... noble. The noble nuthatch... do I get points for alliteration, too?

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Chickadee with an Attitude (Dry Brush Filter)

My daughter saw my title and asked why I thought this little chickadee had an attitude. I'm not sure. Maybe it was something about the angle. It probably had something to do with the chickadee turning its back to me and casting a look back over its shoulder (wing).

The chickadee was one of several birds that was out during yesterday's break in the winter weather. I guess the birds decided that they had better get outside while the (winter weather) getting was good. Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Wintertime Woodpecker (Sponge Filter)

I'm pretty sure that this was some kind of woodpecker, although I am hard-pressed to say whether it was a downy woodpecker or a hairy woodpecker. With the slight warm-up in temperatures that we've been experiencing recently, the birds have come out, and this woodpecker was one of the ones that I was actually able to photograph. Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Blue Jay Under the Tree (Dry Brush Filter)

The blue jay was far enough away that I couldn't get a picture that was very well focused (even with the 55-210mm telephoto lens that was attached to my camera). This difficulty was compounded by the fact that the bird was also hiding out mostly in the shadows. The Photoshop Dry Brush filter simply blends it all together and makes for a nice picture of the blue jay hanging out under the tree, pecking in the ground, looking for something to eat. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Frosty Trees of Mirkwood (Cutout Filter)

As I was processing this image of frosty trees, it struck me - that the scene looked similar to something from The Hobbit, the scene in which Bilbo and the others were wandering around in Mirkwood forest and were overtaken by giant spiders. The frost in the trees reminded me of the spiderwebs of Mirkwood, although... it really is just frost in my picture. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Frost on the Tree (Dry Brush Filter)

As I looked out the window yesterday, I noticed the frost on the needles on this tree and thought that it would make an interesting picture. From time to time, we get frost on the branches of our trees here in Minnesota, and it can make for some pretty pictures. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Nuthatch on Tree (Cutout Filter)

I'm continuing to play with the cutout filter, and I really liked the image that I made for today's photo: I happened to see a nuthatch flying away from my deck yesterday (scavenging seeds from what was left behind after the squirrels had gotten to them....) After I grabbed my camera, the nuthatch did not return to the deck (of course!), but I spotted it darting around in the trees and managed to get several photos.

What I liked best about this cutout filter photo was the texture in the tree on the right-hand side of the image. I also like the way that the tree on the left turned out.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Chickadee about to Jump (Cutout filter)

I'm still playing around with the settings on that cutout filter in Photoshop Elements. It's still not pretty, but... I'm having fun.

I posted another picture from this chickadee set within the past several days or so. Here, the chickadee was just about to jump into flight from the clothesline where it had perched for a few moments.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Tree Branches (Cutout Filter)

Today's photo itself is nothing exciting. However, what really caught my interest was the filter that I used for today's photo: the cutout filter. I don't think I've ever used this filter before, but I like how it gives the picture something of a cartoon effect, or maybe a comic book effect? (I know, I know, "What comic books have you been reading about trees?") I really like what the filter has done with the image, or, at least, the possibilities that an image like this seems to suggest for such a filter.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Winter Trees and Sumac (Watercolor Filter)

I went outside yesterday and took pictures with my Nokia phone, which comes equipped with a 5 MP camera. I wasn't expecting much out of a camera phone; they are usually just point and shoot, take it or leave it cheap cameras (at least, that's what usually comes in the kind of phones that I typically buy.) The camera in this phone is interesting; one of the features that it has is the ability to set your ISO (with ranges between 100 and 800.) (Now, if only I could figure out how to get it to shoot RAW....)

While I was out and about, the red in these sumac berries was just about the only color (other than white and brown) that I could find. So, I brought my photo home, ran it through my processing process (usually some mix of Photomatix, Aftershot Pro, and Elements) for the (camera phone) picture that you see today. Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Center on the Reddish/Orange Poinsettia (Watercolor filter)

As I was doing research on colored poinsettias the other day, I think that someone mentioned some kind of hybrid option in which the red and yellow poinsettias were somehow mixed so that the flower came out with 'splotched' leaves. Looking at the solid color on the center leaves in this picture, I suspect that this poinsettia was not 'grown' with the colors but rather that some kind of dye was used, which did not affect the leaves that the plant grew later on in the growing process. (Also, I'm pretty sure that poinsettias don't come naturally with sparkles. That must be a holiday bonus.)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Blue Poinsettias (Dry Brush Filter)

Like yesterday's orange poinsettias, I don't believe that the blue ones occur naturally. The blue ones most likely undergo some kind of dyeing process. (I'm not sure whether it's possible to unblue the flowers once they have been blued. If you give them enough time, are they like hair that is dyed, where the original color eventually comes out at the roots?) Besides the blue dye, sparkles are also added to the flower, which again, I'm pretty sure does not occur naturally. I'm not aware of a lot of options that you have for this color flower at this time of year (I haven't really looked), but I'm sure that others who are 'in the know' would be happy to let me know. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Autumn Color Poinsettia (Dry Brush Filter)

I'm not sure if this poinsettia is naturally colored this way, or if it has been painted or somehow otherwise colored. The leaves are beginning to brown, which might be appropriate as fall is certainly giving way to winter (if winter hasn't already fully set in.) Stay warm, everybody. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Chickadee in a Tree (Dry Brush Filter)

With this post title, I'm feeling a little bit like Dr. Seuss: Chickadee in a tree, how can that be?

This photo was from a few days ago, when we had a break in the cold weather, such that the birds actually "came out to play". (When it's really cold, the birds seem to stay tucked away.) Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Chickadee on the Pole

Apparently, no one ever told the chickadee that it's a very bad idea to touch cold metal in the winter time. (Whatever you do, little chickadee, don't stick your tongue to it! Bad idea.)