Friday, March 7, 2014

Found Branch of Little Leaves

I found this branch of tiny leaves on my snow covered driveway. It struck me as an odd find (on my driveway), and so I brought it inside and made a few exposures. It reminded me of a museum piece of something altogether different that I have seen somewhere... although I can't quite put my finger on what it was. I fused together the exposures at minus one, zero, and plus one, and... voila!

I still find that I am having trouble getting my F-stop adjusted to exactly the focus that I want. Here, the F-stop was set to f/1.8, giving the image a very shallow depth of field. (Only a handful of the leaves that were closest to the camera are actually in focus, while the rest have a blurred effect to them.) Yet, when I opened up to a larger depth of field (f/5.6), I still didn't quite completely get what I was looking for in terms of focus. Here's a single image (simply cropped and edited in Aftershot Pro):

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