Thursday, January 26, 2017

Winter Trees (Graphic Novel filter)

 Today was a photo experimentation day. I tried running the RAW file through the Graphic Novel filter on Photoshop at 3 passes (4.25, 4.5, and 4.75) layered together (100%, 70%, and 40% opacity).

I took those same individual layers above and ran tonemapped them in Photomatix as an HDR image. (Usually, the images that I process in Photoshop are already tonemapped.) It resulted in the following:

The tonemapped image as a whole came out looking really weird, especially in the dark spots around the branches in the middle right half of the image. However, I went to Corel Paintshop Pro and cropped out a couple of images that I liked from the tonemapped version above:

Thanks for stopping by!

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