Tuesday, October 3, 2017

AuroraHDR Rock in the Forest Park (Graphic Novel Filter)

For this, my third image processed with AuroraHDR, I have to say that I like how the software was able to give the HDR effect to the image. The original was fairly dark, and Aurora was nicely able to bring out the details.

After I had processed the image (again, as a Windows user,) I like to save the file both as a TIFF (for further edits in another program,) and as a JPEG. When it comes time to save, there is another slider (grrr...) for image quality, set high - yet beneath the highest level possible. I wouldn't mind figuring out how to change that default setting so that I don't have to keep sliding the slider up every time I want to save a file (or so that I don't forget to do so...). 

Also, Aurora saves to the same folder from which the edited file was opened. I don't mind this so much, and it's probably a good feature of the program. Corel's products (I use Paintshop Pro) have a setting that automatically directs you to the last folder in which you saved a file, regardless of whether the file that you are currently editing was taken from that folder.

Also, when you edit files in Photomatix, they add an extension on to the resulting file name (tonemapped or fused). Aurora files don't add an extension, which could be a danger to overwriting the original file. (I'm usually ok on this one, because I start with a RAW file and end with a JPEG or a TIFF. But, I can see where this could possibly be problematic at some points.) 

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