Saturday, January 23, 2016

It's a Blur (Palette Knife/Dry Brush Filters)

Blurry pictures are no fun. The shutter speed simply was not up to the movement of whatever it was that you were shooting. (I usually like to shoot at ISO-100.) If a bird is sitting still (relatively), that usually works great, giving me a shutter speed from anywhere in the neighborhood of 1/25 or faster. To catch all of the details on a bird in flight, I would need to be shooting significantly faster. One of the tricks that I use to get a faster shutter speed is to darken the exposure setting on the image (and then brighten it up in post-processing). Otherwise, bumping up the ISO will also get a faster image, although I have to watch out for weird things (read: artifacts) that sometimes appear in higher ISO images. (I suppose if I'm going to apply a filter to it anyway, what difference does it make?)


Food for thought. Thanks for stopping by!

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