Saturday, November 8, 2014

Experimental Truck Crossing the Mackinac Bridge

I composed this image by running nine exposures through Photomatix. My originals were a series of three-three exposure images (~minus three, zero, and plus three exposures) that I was shooting of the Mackinac Bridge for an HDR image. By themselves, none of the images in the series really struck me; there was too much movement to get one, solid, clear picture. So - rather than simply discard the images, (You might especially notice how the beams undergirding the bridge don't exactly line up,) I decided instead to process them altogether. This created an effect called "ghosting", in which - as a moving object is photographed over a series and then is merged together (I use Photomatix,) the moving object(s) appear(s) with some level of transparency. After running the original images through Photomatix, I then took the result over to Aftershot Pro to tilt and crop the image. I afterward applied the Photoshop Dry Brush Filter to the image (because I like the effect. The Dry Brush filter also helps to smooth over some of the imperfections.) 

The image below is a detail of the image above, giving you a closer view of the ghosted truck as it crosses the Mackinac Bridge.

Finally, for those of you who were interested in seeing the difference, I included the unfiltered image below (the one before I applied the Dry Brush filter.) I can especially notice the difference with the Dry Brush filter as I look at the grass.

Thanks for stopping by!

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