Friday, March 31, 2017

Little Purple Weed Flower (Graphic Novel filter)

I'm so excited for spring to arrive, I'd even be happy to see this little purple weed flower again. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Winter Nuthatch with Seed (Graphic Novel filter)

This is another re-do of one of my favorite birds, the nuthatch, this time processed with the Graphic Novel filter, which I like for all of its weird lines. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my picture. :)

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Memories of the Choir Loft (Graphic Novel filter)

Though I never actually sang in this particular choir loft, it did bring back memories for me of times that I had sung in choirs in the choir loft. I posted the original image (modified to HDR) a couple of years ago; for today, I modified it again as with the Graphic Novel filter. I figured that the filter would do cool things with the grain in the woodwork. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Cloudy Tree in the Evening (Graphic Novel filter)

Today's image is a comparison of two different passes through the Graphic Novel filter. The first BW and color are the four different default settings layered together, while the second was only processed once with the "painted gray" preset on the Graphic Novel filter. Of the two, I think I like the non-layered version better this time. The clouds in the first version are a little weak, where they come out much bolder in the second image. The darker clouds came out a little splotchy strange looking in the first image, where the stronger presence in the second makes the dark splotches seem like they belong in the image. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Abandoned House in the Snow (Graphic Novel filter)

Originally posted in December 2013, I revisited this image with my graphic novel filter process and I really like the resulting images, both the black and white and the color. I think there's something in the graphic novel filter that reminds me of van Gogh. (At least, that's what I thought about as I looked at this image. Apologies to the people who really know van Gogh.)  Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

A Little Different Process with the Trees (Graphic Novel filter)

I tried something a little bit different with today's image. I usually layer together 3 different variations of the same filter setting (lightest, middle, darkest) into one image. Today, I took the four settings that Photoshop offers for its Graphic Novel filter and layered those four black and white images together from what was roughly the lightest to the darkest image. I think it may have done something for the image (the first is the HDR, the second is the BW Graphic Novel blend, the third has the color layered back into the BW Graphic Novel image.) Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Grass, Trees, and Branches (Graphic Novel filter)

More winter barrenness and desolation. Did I mention that the other day was the first day of spring? 

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

River Behind the Trees (Graphic Novel filter)

There's a river running behind the trees. It's nice to see the river running. That means that it's warm enough for the ice to melt. :) I've included both the black and white and the color versions of the graphic novel filter for today's image. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures! :)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Trees Waiting for Spring (Graphic Novel filter)

I thought that my title today sounded a much more hopeful note, than "Dead Trees Plodding Through the End of Winter." Waiting for spring makes it sounds like little green buds are on their way. They are, aren't they??? (Thanks for stopping by!) 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Happy First Day of Spring (Trees with Graphic Novel filter)

LOL - The picture totally does not go with the title of this post. For "happy first day of spring," I should have taken some flower pictures or found some bunnies or kittens or something like that. Instead, you guessed it, more trees that look like they are caught in the dead of winter. (Ok, that description was perhaps a little colder than what you see in the image. Yes, there is a little snow, but not that much of it.) Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, March 20, 2017

A Splash of Red Across the Branches (Graphic Novel filter)

There's something about these images that don't quite look right when I post them small, so... I've been posting them at the original size. I like the red branches that run their way across the middle of the image. I really debated posting the second image, the black and white Graphic Novel filter, because... without the color, it really looks like a mess. But I really like the patterns that I get with the graphic novel filter, especially in things like grass and branches (which there seems to be a LOT of in this image.) The final image, the colorized Graphic Novel filter, brings it back again. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Yellow Grass and Dormant Trees (Graphic Novel filter)

The robins are back, so we're getting to that time of year when spring is just around the corner. (The old-timers would say that it's supposed to snow on the robins two or three times before spring officially arrives.) So, while looking forward to spring, here's a picture of winter... minus the snow. Thanks for stopping by!

Below are: 1) The original HDR version, 2) the BW Graphic Novel version, and 3) the Colorized Graphic Novel version.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Trees and Branches: BW vs Color (Graphic Novel filter)

I find the differences striking when comparing the black and white with the 'color-added' version of this image. The black and white creates an equalization across the image, where the color makes certain parts stand out. What I like to look at in these images is the Graphic Novel effect, the way that it 'lines out' the image. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wall Decorated with Painted Bicycles (Graphic Novel filter)

I had processed this picture some time ago using the stamp filter, so now I decided to give it a try with the Graphic Novel filter. The filter effects are perhaps a little more visible in the black and white version than in the colorized version. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my pictures. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Graphic Novel filter Evergreens

It reminds me of a coloring book. Maybe that's part of what I like about the Graphic Novel filter? Anyway, here are some snow covered evergreens. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Snow Covered Trees (Graphic Novel filter)

What more or less looks like a tangled mess of branches in a regular photo is actually quite interesting (at least, to me,) when processed with Photoshop's Graphic Novel filter. I put the colorized version first and the black and white second, although I think the BW makes for the better image to see what I'm talking about. The Graphic Novel filter gives a certain kind of definition to the myriad branches in the photo, where instead of blurring all together, they each seem to stand out in their own right. I guess I don't know exactly how to describe it, but I like what the Graphic Novel filter does to my photos. Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, March 10, 2017

"Colorful" Trees (Graphic Novel filter)

I liked the original image for the color, which you see below in the colorized version. In the black and white, it just looks like a lot of branches. (I still like to look at the squiggly details in these Graphic Novel filter images.) The colorized graphic novel filtered image is below the bw. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Water and Trees Graphic Novel filter Redo

This is a redo of a photo I posted several months ago, except this time using the Graphic Novel filter. It looks weird when I have it at the X-large size, so I'm posting it on original size. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Graphic Novel filter Trees

I really like the squiggles and lines that you can see up close in these graphic novel filtered images. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Snow-lined Trees (Graphic Novel filter)

When I processed this image before, with the stamp filter, it came out awfully dark. I tried it again with the graphic novel filter, and again... it might be a little less dark. Thanks for stopping by!